“But how can we stand in his way if he’s aborted?”

I have come to expect the anti-choice movement (and fundamentalists in general) to be reprehensibly vicious, unsympathetic, and disdainful of women. I have also come to expect a frequent dose of whitewashing from their leadership. However, I underestimated just how quickly anti-choicers could revise history:

What a load of revisionist bullshit. The truth is, in that magic dream world where feminists always get their way, Ann Dunham (Obama’s mother, whom Catholics for Choice intentionally left out of their commercial) would still be able to choose to carry her pregnancy to term. Being pro-choice means that you believe that a woman should not be forced to have an abortion either. Forced abortions are bad, just as forced pregnancies are bad.

But let’s not stop there! In the world where Catholics get their way, Obama would never become president in the first place.

“Secularism: Imagine the Potential!”

While we’re on the subject of bigoted anti-choicers, do you think the Catholics would have run one of these ads or for an African-American fetus if Obama hadn’t become president? I looked around for a Martin Luther King or Tiger Woods fetus ad, but found bupkis!

For that matter, do you think the anti-choicers would ever run this kind of ad for Hillary Clinton? Or for any female fetuses? [1]

This just proves that the bigoted anti-choicers only want your fetus when it will produce bouncing baby Arian men. The Panzer Pope has struck again!

[1] Here’s a challenge for you: send me the link to any anti-choice or TV ad that promotes a female fetus and I will post it on this blog entry. if you can find me an anti-choicer TV ad that says the same thing for Hillary Rodham Clinton, ill send you $20!

One thought on ““But how can we stand in his way if he’s aborted?”

  1. Well sorry I can’t meet those challenges, although 20 bucks would be nice.I find it funny that all these pro-life turds are out speaking against the “obama-abortion-agenda” yet will invoke his achievements as a reason to not have an abortion.Why dwell on the initial feelings about his mother’s pregnancy, or the fact that despite bad things happening later on in her life, that she could have maybe felt okay then about having a baby.erg.


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