The 2016 Election is a Roll Call for Women-Haters

The 2016 presidential election is not just a referendum on gender or male-entitlement, but on women’s very humanity.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
– Voltaire

Pollsters and scientists may dither forever on whether sexism matters while they blithely underestimate misogynist sentiments of the US, and there’s no shortage of (mostly male) reporters who will come up with all sorts of bullishit reasons to blame everything but sexism for the trouble that women face.

But mark my words, the presidential election of 2016 will finally remove all doubt.

Come Tuesday, you will witness what the true status of women is in the United States of America. The results of this election will give us our first solid numbers on the strength of misogyny in the United States. For make no mistake: if you vote for, defend, or support Trump, you hate womenPeriod!

Misogyny Is On The Ballot

There are no if’s, and’s or but’s here: Trump is effectively the personification of antifeminism. The one thing that Trump has remained consistent on, in spite of all his bullshit peddling and over a hundred flip-flops, is rank misogyny.

Make no mistake, misogyny is who Trump is: Misogyny is the framework for his vile remarks on the Bush tape. Misogyny is the foundation of his utter contempt for women and the Rape Culture that he wraps himself in like a blanket. Misogyny is the logic that leads him to treat all women that work for him like inhuman garbage. Misogyny is what allowed Trump to assault multiple women, including his ex-wife and even a 13-year-old child (who was threatened into silence). Misogyny is what fueled the GOP to elect him and attracted extreme anti-woman politicians like Mike Pence to his ticket. Misogyny is what leads to his Taliban-like anti-choice policies where women are prosecuted for daring to resist state-control of their pregnancies, while men are given total immunity for getting those very same women pregnant. Misogyny is the weapon he wields against Hillary Clinton and the glue that unites conservatives behind him. And misogyny is the shared religion between Trump and his billionaire patron who laments that women were given the right to vote. Misogyny is at the core of the the double-standard upon which Trump is being judged and the hostility towards women in politics which Trump is riding all the way to the ballot box.

Everything else, from the sexist media’s nonstop warnings about Clinton’s “untrustworthiness” to their endless appeals for empathy with poor bigoted conservative white men, is bullshit. It’s all one big fig leaf that they’re desperately hoping will cover the fact that they view a competent female politician with only slightly less contempt and hatred than a lying insane fascist.

Because when all the facts are laid out, it turns out that Clinton is one of the most honest politicians in America. Even her opponents vouch for her honesty. And we can be sure of this because we have unprecedented access to all of her private emails!

No Equivalence

Meanwhile Donald Trump is, ironically, far worse than any fever-dream that conservatives can make up about Hillary Clinton. There is simply no comparison between the two: for every false innuendo dredged up in an email stolen by the Russians or baseless accusation hurled from a federal agency looking to illegally tip the election for the GOP, there are literally dozens of terrifying facts about Donald Trump that are unprecedented in our modern times.

Here are 176 shocking things that Donald Trump has done, with sources:

A Line In The Sand

There is no room for excuses here. Those who support Trump over Clinton are either misogynist or too willfully stupid to respond to facts or reality 1. Either way, their actions are too harmful to ignore or excuse regardless of their intent.

And this election will make it crystal clear whom you can trust, and who you shouldn’t have at your back:

It will show you whether the United States is a safe place for women.

It will show you how many people in this country oppose women’s humanity and equality, regardless of whether they’re overt antifeminists or more covert women-hating “pro-lifers“.

It will show you which states and state governments hate women. (Although I’m gonna make a prediction about a few Trump-loving anti-women states right now, based off of economic and political indicators for women’s equality: Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, Texas and Ohio. No women should have to live in those states.)

It will show exactly how much conservatives support and normalize misogyny while spending decades swift-boating the most powerful women in the country.

It will show you exactly how misogynist the media is: A media that feigns ignorance about Hillary-hate while exonerating itself for belittling her for decades. A media that gladly tips the scales for Trump while excusing his misogyny.

It will show you who is a 3rd party supporting, overprivileged asshole that would rather vote their ego than in defense of their fellow Americans who can’t afford to live under a Donald Trump presidency.

It will cut through any bullshit excuses and reveal without a doubt which of your liberal “friends” are misogynist.

It will warn you about the fathers who don’t have their daughter’s backs.

It will show you which men in your life you should break up with, as they are honestly not worth your time, money, love or energy.

It will show you how many women in the US do not believe in their own humanity or equality.

It will show you whether you yourself are sexist.

And to any men out there who leaned toward Trump: you must seriously examine your own deep-seeded sexism and male privilege if you ever want to have any hope of enjoying a positive and fruitful relationship with women. For congratulations, you are officially part of the problem.

1. Now the opposite is NOT true: a vote for Hillary Clinton is not necessarily a vote in support of feminism or women. There are many valid reasons to vote for Hillary that have absolutely nothing to do with feminism. A vote for Hillary could mean that one simply likes having an economy, or doesn’t want the US to be a satellite state of Russia, or simply does not want to burn up in the atomic fireball that an unstable Trump could unleash upon the world. In an election between the most qualified candidate ever and the human equivalent of a burst appendix, one cannot assume that a vote for the first woman president is a vote for women’s rights.

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