Status Update: More is On The Way!

I'm still setting up the new blog, but it got delayed a bit. The events of the last few months have sent everyone reeling. Quite literally too! One of our agents accidentally elbowed the Control Moment Gyro console while watching this video: Speaking of orbital dynamics,  go see Hidden Figures!! And when you're done, … Continue reading Status Update: More is On The Way!

Can Men Be Feminists?

"After careful consideration, I have concluded that I am not only an expert on feminism, but arguably one of the greatest feminists that has ever lived." ~The Male Blogosphere Can men be feminists? This is the point where your typical leftist male blogger dives into a narcissistic soliloquy of pervy self-exposition, lame excuses for past predatory behavior, … Continue reading Can Men Be Feminists?

This Thanksgiving, Don’t Feed The Trump Assholes

It doesn't matter if they're family or ancient friends. It doesn't matter if they can successfully stifle their utter contempt of you through an entire meal. This Thanksgiving, don't feed your uncompromising, hate-spewing Trump supporters! You're gonna hear the refrain throughout the press: tis the season for you (not them of course, they have talking points for you!) to … Continue reading This Thanksgiving, Don’t Feed The Trump Assholes

The 2016 Election is a Roll Call for Women-Haters

The 2016 presidential election is not just a referendum on gender or male-entitlement, but on women's very humanity. "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." – Voltaire Pollsters and scientists may dither forever on whether sexism matters while they blithely underestimate misogynist sentiments of the US, and there's no shortage of (mostly male) reporters who will come up with all … Continue reading The 2016 Election is a Roll Call for Women-Haters

It’s 2016, and Halloween Still Hates Women

The Halloween Commercial Industrial Complex hates women: It hyper-sexualizes young women and girls. It aggressively pushes porn aesthetics in an effort to limit women's creativity.  It encourages women's objectification and sexual harassment. It loathes transwomen and celebrates anorexia. And 2016 is no different. This year's target for sexist Halloween shit is of course the new Ghostbusters movie, and all the misogyny that followed it. … Continue reading It’s 2016, and Halloween Still Hates Women

Caucuses Disenfranchise Women and Minority Voters

We're sorry, but you are not allowed to use a voting booth this year. Instead, we're gonna stuff you in a gymnasium for several unpaid hours while people shout at each other, until the most fanatical voices win. We also regret to inform you that we've done away with secret ballots. Instead, you're gonna have to voice your … Continue reading Caucuses Disenfranchise Women and Minority Voters

Presidential Election Polls Marginalize Women

A few election cycles back, a close relative of mine received a call from a prominent polling firm. When she answered the phone, the pollster on the other end of the line introduced himself and then asked, "Is the man of the house at home?". My relative said no, at which point the pollster thanked her for her time...and … Continue reading Presidential Election Polls Marginalize Women

Queer, Straight, Trans or Gay, It’s Time to Pass a New ERA!

It may come as a surprise to some, but the human rights of anyone who is not a straight cis-male are not guaranteed by the United States.   The Constitution Only Protects Straight Cis-Men As recently as 2010, one of the highest legal authorities in the land, the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (may he … Continue reading Queer, Straight, Trans or Gay, It’s Time to Pass a New ERA!

When “sex-pos” feminism is dangerous:

[Content Warning: Rape] ~By Anonymous "This is why radical feminism, and delivering a radical message to young women, is so important. There are young women out there who are like how I used to be: vulnerable, insecure, self-loathing. The patriarchy tells women their worth is contingent on how fuckable men view them; liberal feminism, in … Continue reading When “sex-pos” feminism is dangerous: