Troll Stomping – No, having sex does not change my political views, LMAO!

Troll Stomping is a new, semi-regular series on this blog where I write Feminism 101 posts while cleaning out my comment moderation queue. As the writer of a blog which routinely confronts misogyny, male privilege, and the masculine mystique, it will be a surprise to no one that my moderation queue is full of sexist, pseudo-intellectual rants … Continue reading Troll Stomping – No, having sex does not change my political views, LMAO!

How Do You Swear at a Straight White Man?

“When a man uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the man or the argument is weak - probably both” ~Unknown Anonymous Internet commenter (whom, for the sake of clarity I shall henceforth refer to as, BellyacheR) had this to say about my latest blog post: BellyacheR: "Go make me a sandwich … Continue reading How Do You Swear at a Straight White Man?