News Release: Christian Terrorists Murder Women’s Health Advocate in Apartheid State

"These people aren't pro-life, they're killing DOCTORS! What kinda 'pro-life' is that? What, they'll do anything they can to save a fetus, but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it? They're not pro-life. You know what they are? They're anti-woman. Simple as it gets: anti-woman! They don't … Continue reading News Release: Christian Terrorists Murder Women’s Health Advocate in Apartheid State

“But how can we stand in his way if he’s aborted?”

I have come to expect the anti-choice movement (and fundamentalists in general) to be reprehensibly vicious, unsympathetic, and disdainful of women. I have also come to expect a frequent dose of whitewashing from their leadership. However, I underestimated just how quickly anti-choicers could revise history: What a load of revisionist bullshit. The truth is, in … Continue reading “But how can we stand in his way if he’s aborted?”

The Secular and the Religious Celebrate the Pornification of Christmas

"Some of us don't believe in Christmas unless we see that awful lamp made to look like a call girl's leg" ~Amy Laura Hall, a professor of theological ethics at Duke University, on NPR. "I was really hoping for more pictures [of porn]." ~Nick Farrantello, Universal Studios employee and self-described atheist, whose quip was showcased … Continue reading The Secular and the Religious Celebrate the Pornification of Christmas