A Solution to the Trans-Bathroom Debate: Liberate the Men’s Room

"Should transwomen be allowed in women's restrooms? Yes or no?" This is the mantra of pundits everywhere whenever the subject of transpeople is broached in the mainstream media. The mostly cis-male pundits lean over their tables, looking down at one of the few, publicly accepted, women-only spaces in the country with the same scrutinizing gaze I imagine … Continue reading A Solution to the Trans-Bathroom Debate: Liberate the Men’s Room

Of Skunks and Sea Lions

After Anita Sarkeesian mentioned me on Twitter last week, the trolls and MRA's came out of the woodwork for a good ol' fashioned dogpile. Or as women on the Internet would call it, Monday. However, since I am male, the number of death threats that I received during the whole furor was precisely zero (see the Male Privilege of … Continue reading Of Skunks and Sea Lions

Transwomen and Residual Male Privilege

I was originally going to write about the whole Suzanne Moore / Julie Burchill / transwomen activism debacle, but Heather McNamara has already posted an eloquent response to the whole disaster, so you should really just watch her You Tube video to get caught up on the current row. I'd rather focus on an issue near and dear to me that was … Continue reading Transwomen and Residual Male Privilege