Reverse Bradley Effect Caused by Rendering Women Invisible

"I just haven't seen good evidence that [race] is a factor in polling these days." ~Scott Keeter, director of survey research for the Pew Research Center “The level of inaccuracy of the polls in the primaries was unprecedented.” ~Anthony Greenwald, psychologist and (overcited) co-inventor of the Reverse-Bradley Effect “This distortion is interesting because poll numbers … Continue reading Reverse Bradley Effect Caused by Rendering Women Invisible

Whitewashing Anti-Feminism in the Housing Crisis

"[The Option ARMS home mortgage loan] was first created in 1970. The Emergency Home Finance Act was one answer to the growing social and racial unrest in the nation's cities: home ownership as a means to stop angry Americans from burning down their neighborhoods." ~Richard Bove on NPR Morning Edition (8/28/2008) [emphasis added], carefully overlooking … Continue reading Whitewashing Anti-Feminism in the Housing Crisis

Male Privilege Summary: Privilege of Women’s Invisibility

In Short: When convenient, men can treat women as if they don't exist. Men use this privilege to take credit for women's work. Men claim opportunities and resources for themselves by ignoring competition from women. Men also use "gender blindness" to ignore the oppression of women, and to ensure that women's deaths remain unsolved and … Continue reading Male Privilege Summary: Privilege of Women’s Invisibility

Erasing Women from US Politics

"It was right after Michelle Obama's speech, in which the talented, intimidatingly intelligent Mrs. Obama tried to convince the country that she was as mundane as the rest of us, *laughter* and therefore no threat to us." ~Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!, NPR, August 30, 2008 (Emphasis added) Last week, NOW's Below The Belt column did … Continue reading Erasing Women from US Politics