The 2016 Election is a Roll Call for Women-Haters

The 2016 presidential election is not just a referendum on gender or male-entitlement, but on women's very humanity. "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." – Voltaire Pollsters and scientists may dither forever on whether sexism matters while they blithely underestimate misogynist sentiments of the US, and there's no shortage of (mostly male) reporters who will come up with all … Continue reading The 2016 Election is a Roll Call for Women-Haters

Feminism 101: Why Sexism in Mass Media is Dangerous – Part 4

“As all advocates of feminist politics know most people do not understand sexism or if they do they think it is not a problem. Masses of people think that feminism is always and only about women seeking to be equal to men. And a huge majority of these folks think feminism is anti-male. Their misunderstanding … Continue reading Feminism 101: Why Sexism in Mass Media is Dangerous – Part 4

One Hideous Election Sign Gone, One To Go

Let me just say that I am always happy to see the bigots get screwed. (Hey KKK! Once you're done digesting SPLC's latest successful lawsuit against you for beating up a child, get a taste of THIS!) I am also happy to see President Obama [1] shatter yet another barrier of Kyriarchy [2] around the most powerful job in the … Continue reading One Hideous Election Sign Gone, One To Go

Male Privilege Summary: Privilege to Define Women

In Short: Men can define or scapegoat women however they like. From hysteria to insecurity, men can project their own worst behaviors onto women and blame women for their own oppression. Men also selectively define women, choosing which women are exceptions to their stereotypes as is convenient to them. Men's stereotypes about women are never … Continue reading Male Privilege Summary: Privilege to Define Women